Elearning! Magazine

Market & Media Guide 2013

Elearning! Magazine: Building Smarter Companies via Learning & Workplace Technologies.

Issue link: http://elmezine.epubxp.com/i/107542

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Business Elearning! Means Business Inside: Target the $160 billion learning industry with Elearning! Media Group (EMG)3 Target Market Elearning! Magazine Circulation Edit Calendar Rates GOV Elearning! Magazine Circulation Edit Calendar Rates E-Media Web Seminar Series Events Specifications Terms & Conditions Product Grid Contacts pg 3 pg 4 pg 6 pg 13 pg 7 pg 8 pg 14 pg 9 pg 11 pg 12 pg 15 pg 16 pg 17 pg 18 To drive prospects into buyers, you must meet your target buyer in the media channel that advances them through the purchase funnel. Which media is most effective? Magazines are 5 times more effective at converting prospects into buyers. This is why: 1 >> 97% of business executives rely on business-to-business magazines, web sites and events to stay >> >> on top of industry developments.2 Executives rate business to business magazines #1 for credible, trusted and reliable information resources. Above all other media channels.2 Executives value advertising in trade magazines; ads make brands top of mind and provide valuable product information; 86% are more likely to purchase advertised brand.2 Two Packages to Drive Your Sales I. Lead Generating Campaigns: 4 Tell Your Whole Story: 1.3 million Impressions The Elearning! Whole Story Package provides you the channel to communicate your unique brand message in print and online advertising. Each element is delivered to the desks of qualified executive buyers. One Whole Story Package generates multiple impressions over eight weeks and delivers leads in hand. Overall, you will earn 1.3 million impressions driving lead generation. Whole Story Package I: Whole Story Package II: Full Page ad in Elearning! magazine Full Page ad in Elearning! e-zine Exclusive e-zine e-mail promotion to 49,000 One Double Box Ad in Enews/Alert BONUS: All Digital Content Hosted 1 Yr at No Charge *BONUS: Full Content Page for Ad Schedule Half Page ad in Elearning! Magazine Half Page ad in Elearning! eZine Exclusive e-zine Email Promotion to 49,000 One Single Box Ad in eNews/Alert Box Ads BONUS:All Digital Content Hosted 1 Yr at No Charge *BONUS: Half Page Content for Ad Schedule $6950 Your Rate: Value: Priceless Available in Gov Elearning! for: $5995 $4095 Your Rate: Value: Priceless Available in Gov Elearning! for: $3750 II. Brand Building Campaigns Move Prospects to Buyers: 2 million impressions4 Surround your market with EMG's Brand Builder Package that delivers over 2 million impressions to the corporate and public sector marketplace. Brand Builder Package: Full Page ad in Elearning! & Government Elearning! magazines Full Page ad in Elearning! & Government Elearning! e-magazines Exclusive e-magazine e-mail promotion to 90,000 One month banner ad on 2elearning.com All Digital Content Hosted 1 yr at No Charge Your Rate: $8950 Value: Priceless Book Your Package Now. Contact Sales at: 888-440-0231 or adinfo.btb@foxrep.com *Ad schedule is 3 or more ½ page or larger ads to run within one calendar year. Source: 1) Dynamic Logic (Aggregation of 10 ROI Studies) 2011 2) Yankolvich/Harris Interactive Media Study 2011 3) Ambient Research 2011 4) Publishers Own Data 2012 2 www.2elearning.com 888-201-2841

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